Smart Temp has a well-earned reputation for designing innovative, high-quality control solutions that meet today’s evolving comfort
needs. The SMT-850 “Halo” thermostat lives up to this standard.
Advanced Control Flexibility
The Halo offers exceptional flexibility with 10 relays (5 with
customizable functions) that can control:
- 4-Stage Heat Pumps with multi fan speeds, or
- 4 separate stages of heating and cooling with fan control.
The Halo also includes 3 separate 0-10V outputs, useful for
applications such as:
- Valve control
- Inverter capacity management
- 3-way valves
- CO2 management control signals etc
In addition, the Halo provides 4 digital or analog inputs, which can be set up as remote or outdoor air sensors, alarm inputs, or overrides.
The Smart Temp Halo SMT-850: Precision control, simple operation, and adaptable comfort for any setting.